Grandma Dorothy and Grandpa Charlie established, what is now known as, Peach Island Farms in 1973. After long and successful careers in Education and Journalism, the pair settled upon 5-acres of land between the Walla Walla and Little Walla Walla Rivers. Dorothy and Charlie poured passion into the farm.
In 2013, Grandma Dorothy followed Charlie, gently passing at the ripe age of 100 and a half years old, entrusting the legacy to her grandson Gard Becker, and his wife Vickie Becker. This new chapter is blooming with life, and the horizon is full of changes. The conversion of the property into a Bed & Breakfast is a labor of love.
Passion and Love are the essence for what we do here. We invite you to stop by and hang out with us for awhile at Peach Island Farms Bed & Breakfast, and help add to the story Dorothy and Charlie began more than 40 years ago.
The Island's First Peaches